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July 24, 2006 - Chiang Mai, Thailand

Comfort Food or Where to get Mexican in Thailand

Long day of classes again today - filled 2 sheets with doodles - but still learning a ton. A 2 hour lecture after our regular classes on the hill tribes in this area of Thailand wrapped up the school day.

As soon as we got out the sky opened up and SE Asia showed a small bit of its monsoon capability. I was seriously considering eating at the school canteen - bleeeck.

The idea of an expat Mexican joint was tossed out on the table and, after much wrangling, we went. Best. Idea. Ever. The actuality of real beans, cheese, tomatoes and salsa all colliding in Chiang Mai seemed impossible but it happened. Oh, happy day. After eating 20 baht noodle dinners for the past week a 120 baht enchalada was heaven.

Thank god for cheese.

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