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February 27, 2007 - Guyuan, China

Oh China. *sigh*

Holier Buildings

Here I sit, after a month traveling - hitting Guangzhou, Hong Kong and a whirlwind flyby of Vietnam - and I’m happy to be home.

Home in Guyuan.

Now this isn’t a negative review of all the places I went, in fact I loved the trip. If anything it was too short - I know, “What an ass!” you’ll say as you roll your eyes, “A month, too short?” - but to see the places I did thoroughly you really do need longer.

Hong Kong is an amazing city, but as a friend put it after living there 6 months it ain’t China. Drop the frantic, bustling street stalls, crowds and smells of Chinatown, NYC into the corporate glass canyons of Midtown Manhattan and you have a fairly decent approximation of Hong Kong.

And Vietnam, where to start. Sun, coffee, phở and busrides. Ok, skip that last one, but the rest is great.

Reviews of travel to come. Promise.

What I’m getting at here is that it’s nice to be back.

Back to my gatekeeper welcoming me back last night at midnight, the smiles on the street, the la mien, my office, the squishy oh-so sweet oranges and a sun that won’t singe your eyes out of their sockets.

Oh China, how do I love thee! Let me count the ways…

Unscheduled Site Work

Insert image of small stick figure with shovel. Hopefully will be done by tomorrow or so… pardon the dust.

» Link lovin’

CBC Playlist - Those crafty Canada people, streaming playlists of decent music.

Honeypot to the Rescue - Fairly extensive report on common attacks against web apps and the use of a good ol’ honeypot to ferret out the details.

Fun with Routers - Locked out of your router (uh-huh, sure, your router…)?

The Checkerboard - You and your stupid eyes thinks all grays are the same. God.

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