June 11, 2007 - Guyuan, China
You Sexy Thing You
I walked into my second office a bit late today. Only a few minutes to class and I was busy gathering a few of my things before I was off to teach the little horrors angels in class 14.
From the corner Feng Junjian piped up,
"Allister your beard is mightily long today."
After only two days without a shave I wouldn't go so far as to call it a beard. Certainly not one worthy of "mightily."
"Sorry Feng Laoshi, I was a bit lazy this morning."
I thought about adding a sarcastic "I won't let it happen again, sir," but sarcasm doesn't always go over as expected here.
"Your beard makes you look very much masculine."
I gave a quick glance over at him and gave a chuckle. He had his feet up on his desk. No notebook. No pen or student compositions or tapes. Just a big grin plastered across his face. Obviously nothing to do - time to harass the foreigner - much as I would harass him if I wasn't busy.
"Why thank you for noticing, but I must say shaving every day is quite a pain."
I had almost made it to the door when he threw out his last,
"You look sexy."
The room erupted in laughter.
Looking back I swear he was slightly transparent, the Cheshire smile beaming out.